Well.... been wanted to start whining somewhere and somehow.... my
colleague(Thomas) asked me yesterday: "Hey Bro haf u been offered any warning letter in this company" (MCE)... then I replied with a pretty stunning look thinking wat had i done wrong apart from wear slippers and shorts to work "well i did change into proper attire with safety boots once i reach my office.." Then he said "ermmm seems like you always late ""EVERYDAY"" de hor" hahaaa i haf to emphasis on the word everyday hahaa although a bit exaggerating lar but the rate was like 5 working days i will be late for 4 days every week... > . <

Well let me explain a bit... this picture was taken when bus number 858 and 964 juz passed by, and for your information the bus stop only got 964, 858 and 169(the one i am taking), hahaa got the point? these are the "contestant" for joinin the 169 bus squeezing contest. And the best thing is they are here since 7.30 well i am part of them as well, and *Glance at the watch* hahaaa 8.00 i am still happily gathering photo for my blog.

hahaaa to prove that they are all really "contestant" number 1 - 20 something for the 169 contest, i took another one showing them when the race begins. And proudly sponser SBS had supported us with the contest, they came up with a bus already full of passenger to us hahaaa... and the bus driver park it somewhere further to keep us from starting, but he is not very clever as he forgot that we born as human beings and labelled as "singaporeans" have a natural ability of using despicable method of reaching our goals...hahaaa once the driver open the door for passenger to quit the race at the front door... they will hold on to the door and refrain it from closing and squeeze in as much as they can.... hahaaaa and amazingly i can tell you, all of us went in the bus, amazing but true hahaaaa..... I had been late for 1 year 7months liaoz... well i will continue and hold the record...
Why is this shits happens as the title... hahaaa u shall see.... In the bus I already in a stalemate position, i heard a song by Li Sheng Jie : Cha Qian Er Guo.... well meaning itz my phone ringing... i simply ignored.... ..... ....... it starts again..... again......again..... halftime break sms tone.....again...again..... got more and more frastrated liaoz..... but i realli cant move i dun wan tio slap for harassment hahaa, finally the crowd all goes down one stop before i reached mine.... Li Sheng Jie visited again... i took out my phone and throw my wallet into my paper bag full of loads inside , and itz my mother with her lvl 999 special "夺命连环call" juz becos i answer the call i cant find my ez link card that was throw into my paper bag...resulting i din tap my card.... And best of all her call ended with one sentence....
Mama: " Hello"
Me:" hmmm"
Mama:" Daphne working today?"
Mama:"Ok bye bye" (hangs up)
=.=!! Champion right..... aRgh...... enuff of me whinning.... *signz*
Something to thanks you all for reading my whinning:
You are lost and alone in the woods. You stumble across an old cabin, and decide to stay there for the night. You want some heat and light, but the only things you find in the cabin are a candle, an oil lamp and a wood burning stove. You look in your pocket but you only have one match left. What do you light first?
And by the way....
The answer to my previous Qn: A bit lame lar but dun ask me stupid question or post me a stupid comment.... itz an envelope.... 8 alps with a letter....