Ways to get rich
I read some very interesting article and also heard some very true seminars, hence i like to blog them down cause i feel them so useful. Of course those i heard are from top speakers and writer so myself penning it down in my own words maybe it doesn't have the same impact but i believe itz somewhere there....
Well there is a research done in the early 1952, they conducted a research at Yale University(Where is Yale??? I can tell u honestly i dunno... but watz so great??? Well Geroge Bush complete his studies there...and is rated as the top few uni in the world mother earth) They ask all the students there how many of you had ur dreams (or rather future) written down, well not too bad 3% had their dream written down, then many years later they review the survey again.... Amazingly, THE TOTAL INCOME of the 3% that wrote their dreams down comparing to THE TOTAL INCOME 97% that din wrote anything down.... The 3% had won.... that not all.... they won by 3 times which mean 3 ppl is earn 3 times the income of 97 ppl... WTF~!!! O_O Juz becos they wrote their dreams down they plan wat they wan to achieve, they always say <
Next coming up after the advertisement will be toking about BASTARDS~!!! hahaaa stay tune~!!
We always know the condom are protecting us~!! But who is there to look out for them~!!!
Hahaaaa~!!! ok back to topic...
Ok lets see...

Let's see... the income is based on the yearly basis.... O_O hmmm... looking at the table me belonging to the lower range income, i have to work 13 years longer to acheive wat they get a year... hahaaa... but ppl in my shoes.. do u think itz fair ? Many will say itz unfair... bastard right... hate them right... hahaaa if u hate them u are telling urself sub-conciously not to be rich becos u dun wan to be bastard hence u wun succeed... dun underestimate the power of ur sub- concious...
Talking so much, all along ppl are trying to get rich... but the method of doing so ? Do more overtime? Work harder and get reconition from ur boss? Further studies and get a better certification ? Well all these are under a group which everyone had inbuilt on themselves.. VALUES.. everyone has a value, a very good example.... (very similar to the advertisement)
A can of softdrink selling in super market = 70cents...
A can of same softdrink selling at kopitiam = $1.20
The very same softdrink selling at 5 star hotel = $8.00 (The worst thing is there is a +++ ji dan gao)
What i am trying to say is the value of the same thing same taste same everything is different at different location... similar for us human, where we place ourselves in the market determine our values... and the very basic of all company = make money... well which company don't... by becoming a employee of a company = they hire u to make money (and not hire you to blog during working hour~!!!! =.= hahaaa)... hence in order to increase the value in urself... prove to them u can produce more profits.... and placing urself either in a profit producers position(Sales).... cost saving position (accountancy) or a position that can do both (investment).... u can see in a cost saving position thr is still a limit u can do depends on how much the company is spending... so get out of that position if u wan to get more money and jump into the other 2 region~!!!
Well after value ultimatly time is the next factor... seriously this one no nid me to further define right.... but let see... a heart surgeon comparing to a singer, needless to say the heart surgeon earns more then the singer.... BUT if the singer is "like a virgin" Madonna, who do u think earns more then... the very last and most powerful instrument to income enhancer = propagation or rather scalability.... an example of the final instrument is as such.... a surgeon has a very high value becos he save ppl lifes... but he can onli save one life at a time~!!! hence he might be earning a lot... but he onli receive high income from one ppl.... but the Virgin, Madonna, she has a lower value as compared to a surgeon, and she can onli sing a song at a time, but the song is being heard by thousands.... and she onli nids to sing one time record into disc and she earns a lifetime income (hmmm maybe not lifetime... but at least for a period of time) although she earn less then a surgeon... but the scalability of hers is making her earning many small income the very same time~!!
Hence everything is summarize as $$$ = (Value + Time) x Scalabilty cool ya... hahaaa juz something i like to share and i found it so true.... ~!!!!
Nice Article...
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